urban planning office
General Urban Plan - Vintu de Jos commune, Alba county
Vințu de Jos commune is made up of 18 villages, from which only the commune center, Vințu de Jos village, is located on the Mureș riverside, in the south-east. The Mureș river splits the commune into two distinctive parts (both geographically and functionally): the administrative center where all the main activities and services are located on the one hand, and all the other villages that are set to the north-west, on the Vintu hills, on the other hand. The Vintu hills gradually get smaller towards the Mureș valley, reaching from 900-1000m at their highest point, to 400m next to the river valley. The mountain area of the commune is not suitable for the development of settlements, especially in the high altitude areas, with steep slopes and narrow valleys.
The general land use in the area is specific for villages set on hilly terrain, with scattered houses and long settlements that are located on narrow river valleys. The commune center has a more compact character, being located in the Mureș valley, and it concetrates most of the local population. Only one third of the total population resides in the hilly region of the commune.
The current project does not propose major extensions to the village limits (excepting the communal center – Vințu de Jos), mainly focusing on properly developing and densifying within the current village limits, and on identifying the locations that present the highest potential for economical, touristic and residential development.
Some residential extensions have been made in the areas where older projects were implemented, in order to bring the village limits up to date with the newer projects.
The present urban plan has also shrunk down the village limits in the areas where nothing has developed in the last 10 years, as a result, by cummulating the extensions and the reductions of the village limits, the final surface of the villages was maintained.
This commune is crossed by the railway Pan European Corridor IV, the National Highway no. 7, and also the A1 freeway. This dense transportation network allowed us to propose a large transport hub in the southern part of the commune (where the railway, freeway and highway meet), which will be developed in 3 stages, over the course of 20 years. Also, the proximity of the cities of Alba Iulia and Sebes to this future transport hub will generate faster development.
In adition to this, the local council wants to build a local airport, which will increase accesibility for the entire region. Another advantage this commune has is the presence of the river Mures, which crosses it from north-east to south-west, and has given us the opportunity of proposing the development of several recreational areas and sporting facilities alongside it, and also a bike lane that goes along both bans of the river, but also through the settlement.
Project name/ General Urban Plan - Vintu de Jos commune
project location/ Vintu de Jos commune, Alba county
project type/ General Urban Plan
size/ 8839 ha
year/ 2012
client/ Vințu de Jos commune Administration
offices/ Urban Synapse, Capitel Proiect
Incadrare | Incadrare teritorialăPlan Urbanistic General (PUG) Vințu de Jos, județul Alba | Plan de incadrare în teritoriuPlan Urbanistic General (PUG) Vințu de Jos, județul Alba |
VINTU DE JOS - EXISTENTPlan Urbanistic General (PUG) Vințu de Jos, județul Alba | VINTU DE JOS -REGLEMENTARI CIRCULATIEPlan Urbanistic General (PUG) Vințu de Jos, județul Alba | VINTU DE JOS - REGLEMENTARI URBANISTICEPlan Urbanistic General (PUG) Vințu de Jos, județul Alba |
VINTU DE JOS - REGLEMENTARI URBANISTICE UTRPlan Urbanistic General (PUG) Vințu de Jos, județul Alba |